MIMM: Travel & Grad party talk + gloomy a weekend.

Hi friends! How was your weekend? Have any spring like weather? .. cause I am on the LOOK for ours!
The weather this weekend was super rainy & gloomy. Sometimes you just need a weekend like that and since there was no grand plans, it was okay in my book! Even though it was rainy, always something marvelous to be shared ~ thanks Katie for the Monday link up! 😉

… So, We have a few things in the works at the moment, no crazy plans yet.
I graduate in May & defiantly want to have a party to celebrate. So this weekend I sent out an invite & started pinning a few ideas of course 😉 I’m thinking backyard party and games.
This is my slogan as of right now –> “will work for travel”
Geo & I
have a trip this summer in the works so I am willing to work a little more for that ticket 😉 once plans are set.. I’ll share!
AND Cassidy said lets go away a few days as my graduation present!

 Some other pictures from the weekend:

nothing too exciting, but a lot of good things in the works, so I am happy! 🙂
tell me about your weekend.

MIMM: New book, sweets & bridal shower ideas!

hello + happy Monday beautiful friends ❤ hope you had a wonderful weekend! Can’t start a Monday without  linking up with Katie : )
MiMM MIMM #81 Sister Birthday + More!

.. here’s some marvelous pictures from the weekend ..

Marvelous is: Beating the rainy day with tuna melts

Marvelous is: a new read!
My sister started reading this and suggested it. NO WAY am I reading it as a diet book, but it’s about wholesome eats and taking care of yourself with certain foods, instead of using your medicine cabinet and much more.

Marvelous is: “blonde” brownies as we call them ❤

Marvelous is: Catching up over Starbucks with mama & courtney
Marvelous is: new measuring cups in our favorite color, found at TJmaxx, they have the best finds!
Marvelous is: healthy, hearty + spicccccy soup made by George : )
Marvelous is: starting to pin and get ideas for Jenna’s shower!

…Speaking of pinning things away for Jenna’s wedding, I’m off to go meet her for coffee & than try on/ order my bridesmaid dress 🙂
Have a happy Monday & start to your week<3

Did you watch the golden globes?
Highlight of your weekend?
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Friday Favorties { 8/23}

Hi loves! Happy weekend!

What’s on your agenda this weekend? I got an easy shift at the restaurant tonight { i’m first out! } and then off to AC for a fun weekend celebrating Cassidy’s last fling before the ring 😀

Before I leave you guys, here’s a few of my favorites from the week:

picmonkey_image (9)

1- Shazam: #1, yes. I am new to this application. #2, why didn’t I download this app sooner? I already shazmed like 1,000 10 songs!
and #3 >>  download this song!  << George woke me up to it yesterday {blasting it} but it’s so chill! .. So I didn’t mind 😉

#2 Zone Perfect: I loved this new flavor. I love the fudge graham … but this one was ALSO super good! I love a sweet & salty combo : )

#3: This top- Really lucky to have a mama who can do it all! I found this top at Marshalls that was missing a strap, no padding ….  I’m actually surprised it was even on a hanger !! But I knew it had potential, lucky for me, she was able to bring it back to life with some sewing & padding!

#4: One of this week’s snacks was another NEW find:
Chobani’s new flavor orange vanilla. Oh my …..
what an awesome flavor & paired with dark chocolate with sea salt. Enough said.

4: Cass’s & Brian’s wedding invite 🙂 Can’t wait for their beautiful October wedding!

#5 Cute text messages:
No relationship is perfect. But, I feel pretty darn lucky to have found someone who compliments me so well! Also, who gives me that extra push to get me outa my shell. I like to send G messages throughout the day just for a little reminder 😉 earlier in the week we we’re going over Greek words.. this quote seemed perfect!

“According to Greek mythology… humans were originally created with 4 arms, 4 legs, & a head with 2 faces. Fearing their power Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves” 🙂

Alrighty, have a wonderful weekend! .. we’re near the end of summer, classes start-up next week! that’s a whole other situation haha. For now, gonna soak up the weekend. Talk to you Monday


What’s something favorite in your week?

Have you ever tried Zone Perfect?

Sunday Snaps 7/28

Weekend: In pictures.
Enjoy the last part of your weekend ❤


{Fridays weather was perfect for running}
{Eyeing this up}
{Root beer floats}
{Fresh Produce}
{I ❤ Organic}
{I spy tomatoes}

MIMM: with weekend highlights

Happy Monday and July 1st!
time is flying!

MiMM MIMM #56 With One Special Arrival

Like always, thanks Katie for letting all of us share all of our Marvelous Mondays with you.
Especially your Monday today… welcome baby Rocco!
He is so beautiful 🙂

Here’s what’s marvelous around these parts..

Marvelous is ..
Checking out a local farmers market on Saturday morning.

^coffee, sunshine & yummy cupcakes from ICED!^

^Food truck tacos.. yum!^

Marvelous is ..
my new summer drink
^Vodka, seltzer & pineapple juice… very refreshing^

Marvelous is ..
our first little pepper has arrived!

Marvelous is ..
spending time with your girlfriends

Marvelous is..
Being silly while looking for more things to plant!

^more peppers & big tomatoes^

Marvelous is ..
trying out ZOE’S KITCHEN

^Kind of like a Panera, but a lot of Mediterranean and Greek flare!^

Marvelous is ..
Ending Sunday with a nice jog
and seeing the sun peep out.


It’s a rainy day over here.. actually this whole summer has been rainy!
So today is going to be low key, relaxing, making & hopefully get a manicure 😉
What’s marvelous to you today?