Thinking out loud – liebster award

Hi there! Happy almost weekend to ya! – What a week so far, been pretty busy but it makes it go by faster!
I’ve had this liebster award in the my draft list for like a month, thank you Hilary for tagging me! <– Go check out her blog 🙂 Figured what better way to share a bit of information while also linking up with Amanda on her Thinking Out Loud link up! 😉
Liebester Award
“For those who don’t know, the Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers What does it mean? Well it’s German and has several meanings: dearest, sweetest, beloved, kind, pleasant, valued, enduring, and favorite!  It’s a great way to share with the blogging community, get to know other bloggers and inspire others”
 — At the end of the post, I chose a few new & a few of my go to blogs everyday 😀
Rules:  Each person must post 11 things about themselves. Answer the questions that the nominator set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer. – Choose 11 people and link them in your post, let them know you chose them!

  1. What is your nickname and how did you get it?
    Ah, I have tons!!!!
    My mom: Dee Dee doll. When I was starting to talk it sounded like I was saying that, so it stuck!
    My sisters: “Theo” – They told me I was adopted and that was my real name, they still call me that too.
    George calls me: Mama, I’m not sure where he picked it up.. but when I talk to Duncan I tell him I’m his mama 😉
  2.  Did you play any sports growing up?
    Soccer, track, gymnastics.
  3. What is a funny story from your childhood you’d like to share?
    Ah.. there’s one too many.. being the baby sister = lots of embarrassing moments.
  4. Do you have any siblings?
    Two older sisters.
  5. What is your dream job?
    Hmm.. Would love to blog for a living  😉 Or, work for a cool magazine.
  6.  Your celeb crush?
    David beckkam, Gerard Butler, Ryan Reynolds, Leo… I mean, how can I choose one 😉
    David Beckham and Harper's Cutest Daddy-Daughter Moments - iVillage
  7.   What is your favorite breakfast food?
    Waffles/ oatmeal with tons of peanut butter or a good parfait!
  8.  How did you meet your best friend?
    Jenna I met on the school bus in 4th grade talking over a lunch box that we both had ! & Larissa at college in biz class, talking about weekend plans our fake IDs!
  9. Why did you start your blog?
    I had been readying blogs for years.. always reading + researching some health and fitness tips that I started to incorpoate in my daily life. After a few years, I thought why can’t I ?!
  10. Favorite kind of ice cream?
    Ben & Jerry’s PHISH FOOD *edited* and currently really like pistachio.
  11.   And I am stealing Eat Clean, Train Dirty’s last question what are three goals you have for 2014?
    To continue to grow into the person I am meant to be. From physically strong, to mentally & find my passion.
    E.E. Cummings- It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are
Here’s my 11 questions:
1. What would be your dream living location { in the US }
2. What’s your go to way to unwind from a busy day/ week?
3. What’s something you always have in your pantry?
4. If your going to the movies what do you choose? Something sweet, sour or salty?
5. Favorite cuisine to celebrate something over?
6. Quiet night at home or night on the town?
7. What did you start your blog?
8. Favorite reality show.
9. What are 3 things you always have in your purse?
1o. Go to summer cocktail?
11. What’s something you hope to gain or do in 2014
And the lovely bloggers,
Jesse @ Jesselovestorun
Kim @ RacingBananas
Kate @DailyCupOfKate
Amanda @RunningWithSpoons
Heather @FitNCookies
Davida @TheHealthyMaven
Lindsay @Lindsayweighsin
Julie @JulieGoesHealthy
Tatum @EatsFromTheOilPatch
Chelsea @AFitLittleOne
Becky @OlivesNWine

I seriously loved all these questions, I love learning about other blends ❤

Answer any of the above questions in the comment section! 🙂

20 thoughts on “Thinking out loud – liebster award

  1. Aw hunnie, thank you so much for the nomination. I’ll answer your questions w/in the next few days.

    I loved getting to know you a bit better. I have a pretty big crush on Gerard Butler myself. I wonder when his next movie is coming out… or if he’s even working on one.

  2. I think I really want to end up in Califormia on the southern coast side but I have so many other places that it might be fun to live in or at least travel to!

  3. Thanks tonnes for the shoutout, lovely lady! I love things like this, so you can bet that I’ll be filling it out in the future. And ohhh how amazing would it be to be able to blog for a living?! Definitely something to try and make happen.

    Happy Thursday, girl!

  4. It’s my first time stopping by here so: hi! And on the best day for it apparently because I got to know some more random tidbits about you aside from your about page.
    Three things I always have in my purse are chapstick, a hair tie and hand lotion. And tissues, always tissues. Yes, that makes it four things but I don’t like uneven numbers…

  5. I wish I could blog for a living as well haha! Who knows, though, where we could be in a few years ;).

    I still would love to hear some of those embarrassing stories ;). I’m the younger sister as well, so I’m sure I could relate haha!

    My sister used to say they found me in a trashcan hahahah! Better to be adopted than that!

  6. Pingback: . blends are lifesavers . - . running with spoons .

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