Thinking out loud .. 1/2/14

Posting 2x in one day!? WOAH.

It’s Thursday, and that means thinking out loud. I had a few things on my mind that are random so I thought I’d join in on Amanda’s thinking out loud post!


1- All day yesterday I thought it was a Sunday, totally messed with me!

2- I am kind of glad all the holidays are finished. I know it sounds awful, but it’s time to get back on the horse & get back into the swing of things!

3-I have been really lax lately with my eats. The only way to get rid of stuff is to eat it! Christmas goodies is what I’m talking about. I am A-OK with it, just that I noticed when I eat too much junk… my body wants junk, then I feel like junk & my skin doesn’t appreciate it!  {{ HEYYY PIMPS }}

4- I am trying to dink a lot more water, it’s not an easy tasks, at least for me. I just noticed when I do, my body appreciates it!
The Advantages of Drinking More Water --

5- I am really not in the mood to go work tonight, it’s supposed to start snowing = DEAD!

6- I also feel as if I’m getting the winter blues. I know I said I’m kind of glad to have everything over, but it’s also a downer. December was filled with lots of to dos! now that its calm it feels weird

7- I really need a new makeup routine. Last Sunday I bought Laura Mercier stuff, but the coverage doesn’t look right on my face, suggestions?!

8-I am craving salmon lately, I am not a huge salmon eater, but we just bought huge thing of it hopefully I can find a good recipe for it!

9- I got an Americano earlier but still tired AND slept in. What gives?!

… and that’s what’s currently running trough my mind 😉 time to prepare for work! Enjoy your evening!

What’s your favorite makeup tip/ product?!

11 thoughts on “Thinking out loud .. 1/2/14

  1. I’m so confused by the days this week. More water should help with all the cravings though doesn’t replace sleep. I’ve been marathon sleeping lately!

  2. 1, 2, 3 — yes, yes, YES. I woke up today thinking it was Monday, and my whole day has felt totally thrown off — definitely ready for the holidays to be over. And oh gawl the Christmas feasting. I think I’m -still- getting over the cookie coma I’ve been in for the past couple of weeks. Bring on some normalcy!

  3. I’m the exact same way with christmas treats. I only know how to eat them to get rid of them. SO I’m very happy that they are finally gone and there is nothing left to tempt me. And my face is finally starting to clear up, so that’s a huge plus :D. I don’t really know much about makeup, I just use covergirl BB cream….

  4. The holidays have totally messed up my sense of time too! Can’t believe that it’s Saturday again haha. I usually just go with the cheaper versions of makeup at the drugstore. That way, if I don’t like a product too much I don’t feel like I’ve wasted too much moolah on it!

  5. Pingback: Thinking out loud 1/16 | { Piece of Cait }

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